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Freighter Voyages by Duration

How long does such a freighter voyage actually take? Don’t you need a lot of time for it? These questions are obvious and many freighter vessels actually are en route for months. The spectrum of our voyages, however, is diverse: from short trips to trips of the usual “holiday length” to long-term trips to distant continents.


Please find information about the characteristics of freighter voyages here.


1-week voyages are perfect for beginners, who want to see the world of freighter travel for the first time. These trips are mostly in the area of Northern Europe. Some of the vessels operate on very regular services, so that these trips can be planned well.


Voyages up to 2 weeks can also include one way travel, e.g. across the Atlantic ocean, apart from the European destinations. Often partial trips of longer voyages or one way trips can be booked (see details!).


3- to 4-week voyages e.g. lead from Europe to Canada, to the east coast of the United States, to the Canary Islands or around the Mediterranean Sea. Here, also, partial trips of these voyages or one way travel can also be booked (see details!).


Long-term voyages (up to 90 days) are on ships servicing e.g. the west coast of the United States, South America, Africa, Asia and Australia/ New Zeeland. Often partial trips of these voyages or one way trips can also be booked.