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Expertise from Experience

Customer Submissions

Many of our customers report delightedly about the peace and quiet of a freighter voyage. Often the relaxation also stimulates creativity. We get many nice letters with great photos, pictures, ship models etc. You can find a selection here.

Give away freighter voyages in style

Internationale Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - stylish gifting of freighter voyages - Picture 2

Pure vacation!

International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Pure vacation

"Larissa" – by Mrs. B. from Munschen

International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Painting

This surprise came by mail: a great photo calendar from our customer Mrs. S.

International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Calendar

Our customer Mrs. H. created this model in more than 400 hours of work completely on her own

International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Image 1
International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Image 2
International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Image 3
International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Image 4
International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Image 5

We have built this model ourselves - it is the jewel in our office

International Freighter Voyages Pfeiffer - Submissions from customers - Model - Pfeiffer office